What course do I need?

Forest School Leader Level 3
Forest School Leader training is designed for those who would like to set up and run a Forest School programme.
To book on this course you will need
an established link with a proposed client group ( maximum group size of 16 participants)
a potential Forest School site
be over 18yrs old at the start of the course
Level 2 qualification in education, youth work, childcare etc.
Level 2 qualification in Assist in Forest School, countryside and woodland management with at least two years' experience working with client group
Appropriate experience in education, youth work, childcare etc with experience
After the training course days, you are strongly advised to achieve a suitable First Aid qualification and hold a current DBS certificate. This is the responsibility of the setting.
The course is accredited by Welsh OCN ( Agored Cymru) and provides 19 credits within five Units of Study at Level 3:
Supporting Learning, play and development in natural environments
Deliver Forest School
Observation and evaluation of Forest School
Sustainable use and management of natural resources
Teach outdoor practical skills.
On this course you will:
attend six training days which consist of theory and practical skills.
attend a two day practical skills assessment
complete a portfolio of evidence.
attend zoom surgery sessions to support you to complete the portfolio
run a Forest School pilot programme in your chosen setting
have a work based assessment by your Forest School trainer during your pilot programme
This course is equivalent to an 'A' Level and trainees have nine months from day one of the course to complete the course.
We strive to support all trainees to succeed and inclusivity is key to our approach.
We strive to support all trainees to succeed and inclusivity is key to our approach.
If you have any queries with the course requirements, please do not hesitate to get in touch so we can discuss your situation and find a solution.

Level 2 Assist at Forest School
Assist at Forest School Level 2 training is designed for those who would like to support a Forest School Leader.
To book on this course you will need an
established link with a practicing and qualified Forest School leader and the ability to assist the Forest School leader with at least six Forest School sessions with up to 16 participants and each session at least 1.5hrs duration. You will need to help to plan the sessions and ensure they run safely and within the Forest School ethos.
It is ideal for those who would like to gain a deeper understanding of the theory of Forest School and increased practical skills. It can also be used as a step to the Level 3 Forest School leader course.
The course is accredited by Welsh OCN (Agored Cymru) and provides 8 credits within four Units of Study at Level 2:
Supporting Learning, play and development in natural environments
Forest School assistant
Sustainable use and management of natural resources
Outdoor practical skills.
On this course you will:
attend training days which consist of theory and practical skills
attend a one day practical skills assessment
complete a booklet after the training days within six months of the course start date
support a Forest School leader and assist with at least six Forest School sessions.
This course is an equivalent to 'GCSE' level and you have six months from day one of the course to complete the workbook and sessions.
We strive to support all trainees to succeed and inclusivity is key to our approach.
If you have any queries with the course requirements, please do not hesitate to get in touch so we can discuss your situation and find a solution.

Coastal School Leader Level 3
This qualification can be booked as an accredited top-up unit for Forest School Level 3 practitioners (accredited by Agored Cymru), as a non accredited course for information and upskilling. You can become a Coastal School Leader from scratch by completing part of the Forest School course and then the three days Coastal School Leader course or you can book the Forest School Leader course plus the Coastal School Leader top up unit at the same time to complete both together to become a qualified Forest School Leader and Coastal School Leader.
Please note, for the accredited and non accredited top up course, the only difference is the accreditation at the end and a price difference.
Entry Qualifications Required for accredited course:
must be over 18.
have a minimum 2 years experience working with groups outdoors.
hold a Level 3 Forest School qualification.
a potential group to work with (maximum size 16 participants) to deliver six Coastal School sessions.
Suitable coastal location.
Identified Coastal School location.
Entry Qualifications Required for non accredited course:
Must be over 18.
Course Content Summary:
One unit, delivered over three days.
Tides; how to read them and use them in your planning along with other environmental factors
Ecology; Essential plant and animal identification, native and invasive.
Practical ideas
Plant and animal identification
Establishing Coastal School activities suitable for your beach.
Outdoor practical skills, beach fires and shelters suited to your beach or coastal activities that work, and how to lead sessions.
Health & Safety on the coast; Risk assessments, current marine hazards and plastic pollution
Preparing your CS Handbook - What you need to include including policies and procedures.
Planning, implementing and evaluating Coastal School sessions.